Functions of the Ministry of Public Health

Specific Functions:

  1. Proposing the creation of health public centers and once passed, guarantee the organization, location, opening, accommodation and validation of the Health Public institutions.
  2. Regulating and controlling the course of the health professions and demand the quality of the services, population satisfaction and their professionals.
  3. Managing the development of educative programs aimed to health promotion and prevention of diseases, including the participation of organisms, institutions, mass and social organizations, to contribute to solve problems related to health, wellbeing and the quality of the population.
  4. Working in the regulation, control and sanitary surveillance about the different causes that influence negatively and could affect the human health and the environment.
  5. Proposing and directing the application processes of the policies for the formation, continuing education and the training of the needed human resources for the Public Health.
  6. Regulating and controlling the biomedical researches carried out with human beings and application of the results.
  7. Passing and practicing the control of the hygienic-epidemiological regulations for the international sanitary control in the prevention of diseases that could harm our country.

Common functions to all the Central State Administration Organizations:

  1. Comply with and demand the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic, the laws, the decrees, and other provisions of the National Assembly of People’s Power, the Council of State, the Council of Ministers and the legal provisions that dictate the heads of the Central State Administration Organisms in compliance with their powers.
  2. Demand and, where appropriate, ensure the protection, care and conservation of state assets under their responsibility.
  3. Advise, in matters of its competence, the State and the Government; raise the relevant proposals for the elaboration of the policy that concerns to direct.
  4. Direct and control the application of the policies approved in the activities under its responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of the integral development of the economy and society; coordinate, according to their powers, with other agencies, and collaborate in the development and proposal of joint solutions.
  5. Support activities for the defense of the Homeland and the principles of the Socialist Revolution. Propose to the Government the general guidelines to be taken into account in the governing documents of the Preparation of the Economy for Defense; direct, organize and control the comprehensive preparation for defense in the activities assigned to it, as well as in compliance with the Civil Defense measures and the plans related to these functions.
  6. Participate, in accordance with the established procedure, in the preparation of national economic and social development plans; ensure that the plans of the subordinate entities are in line with the policies approved by the Government and once approved evaluate their execution; participate, when competing, in the elaboration of the plans of the activities subordinated to the local organs of the Popular Power.
  7. Prepare, in accordance with the established procedure, the preliminary draft budget for the organism’s system and, once approved, monitor and evaluate its execution.
  8. Participate, in accordance with the established procedure, in the setting and modification of prices and rates.
  9. Comply with the established policy regarding International Economic Associations and Cuban Commercial Companies, as well as study and propose partnerships with foreign interests, to carry out lucrative activities that contribute to the development of the country.
  10. Promote, as far as it is concerned, the development of productions and services that increase or create exportable funds or substitute imports; promote the development of foreign trade and other associated economic activities, within the scope of its competence and as established.
  11. Propose and participate, according to the established procedure, in the preparation of fundamental investment variants, control the execution of the investments and their timely implementation; evaluate the efficient use of installed capacities.
  12. Demand the efficient control and use of resources and evaluate the economic and financial results in the administration and management of subordinate entities, in accordance with the development policies approved and objectives that have been defined at each stage.
  13. Incorporate the environmental dimension in the policies, plans, projects, programs and other actions carried out by the agency, in correspondence with sustainable economic and social development; comply with the provisions and measures that derive from the national environmental policy and to that end, issue the corresponding provisions, within the framework of its competence and control compliance.
  14. Establish, in accordance with existing regulations, economic, scientific-technical and cultural relations with agencies of other states, international and non-governmental organizations and ensure compliance with the approved internationalist collaboration plans, as well as the obligations arising from the agreements in which our country is a part; represent, as established, the Cuban State in international organizations.
  15. Promote scientific and technological development, as well as the execution of scientific and technical research and services, aimed at constantly increasing efficiency in the sphere and activities of its competence and in correspondence with the specific policy and plans established.
  16. Evaluate and control the process of development and technological transfer in the activities under its charge, as well as the operation of the scientific and technological activities that are subordinated to it and the effective use and development of its potential, in accordance with the regulations established.
  17. Approve and, where appropriate, develop and control, in what concerns, the technical standards of the activities under its charge.
  18. Practice/Work in the direction of the entities that are subordinated to it, being obliged to respect the rights of their companies and dependencies according to current legislation, contributing to the development of their autonomy and economic initiative.
  19. Develop the continuous improvement of the structures, organizational forms and management methods of the organism and promote the correct combination of the various economic methods and mechanisms in the subordinate entities.
  20. Participate, according to the established procedure, in the creation, merger/union, extinction or transfer of its subordinated entities and its sphere of attention.
  21. Instruct and advise the administrative directorates and entities of the Local Bodies of the Popular Power, in the compliance, application and control of the organism’s provisions, which need to be regulated nationally, in matters of the competence attributed to it in the main functions at State level.
  22. Arrange for audits, checks and inspections in the sphere of its competence.
  23. Deliver, according to the established procedure, the statistical, accounting, financial and other information required by the competent bodies.
  24. Apply the policy in the formation, selection, development and promotion of cadres in the organism’s system and control its application; support, control and execute, where appropriate, training and improvement activities in the area of ​​their competence.
  25. Apply and evaluate, in accordance with the established procedure, labor, wage and occupational health and safety policies within the scope of its competence.
  26. Support and coordinate, as appropriate, with the Cuban Central Workers and the unions, the activities they carry out.
  27. Provide attention and support to social and professional organizations related to activities contributing to their development and the achievement of their objectives.
  28. Pay attention and respond to complaints and requests directed by citizens.
  29. Carry out promotions of all those aspects that require public and generalized knowledge, linked to its sphere of activity.
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